Thank you for using Cronimet Specialty Metals as your tungsten carbide scrap recycler.

We have received your information and a confirmation email is on its way to you.

If you are selling your tungsten scrap to us:
Please print out your confirmation email and place it in your tungsten scrap shipment to us.
Send us your tungsten scrap using the address provided in the confirmation email.

If you are requesting a tungsten scrap quote:
A Cronimet Specialty Metals Representative will contact you shortly with a quote and to discuss your submission. If you then choose to sell your tungsten scrap to us, please follow the directions in the confirmation email.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to email,, or call us at 724-347-2208 and one of our tungsten scrap representatives will assist you.

Turn Your Tungsten Carbide Scrap Into Money!

It’s easy to recycle your tungsten scrap with Cronimet Specialty Metals.

Just submit the form below to sell your tungsten carbide scrap or to request a free carbide scrap current pricing quote.

We will send you a confirmation email receipt to print out and include in your tungsten scrap shipment to us. Your order will be processed upon receipt and payment will be sent to you. If you are requesting a quote a Cronimet Specialty Metals Representative will contact you to discuss our tungsten carbide scrap recycling program.

Directions for shipping tungsten carbide scrap to Cronimet Specialty Metals:
Fill your container with carbide scrap.
Print and place the confirmation email you receive from us into your shipping container. (This is important because it contains your Order Confirmation Number)
Seal your container and place shipping label on lid/top of container.
No high speed steel.
No cermets or ceramic inserts.
No trash, plastic or any other non-carbide items.
Non-conforming items may result in no or reduced payment.

Cronimet Specialty Metals is a leader in Tungsten Carbide scrap recycling.